Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Picture That Doesn't Exist

Take a look at the picture in this video.

See it? The one of Andy in a wheelchair? That's the one.

Now try finding it using your favorite search engine and any combination of the words "Andy Kaufman cancer death dying National Enquirer, etc." I'll wait..............................................................................




Back yet? Good.

Try as you might, it's virtually impossible to find this picture--which appeared in an article in the National Enquirer titled, "Taxi Star Tells Pals: I'm Dying of Cancer" in March 1984--anywhere on the internet, despite it being one of the most "shocking" photos/articles of his career.

All accounts of this incident involve a paparazzo "leaping out from behind a news stand" and taking a picture of Andy without his consent. He then springs up from his wheelchair, cursing rampantly, and chases the photographer away calling him a "leech", a "fucking vulture" and other loving monikers.

Now take a closer look at Andy's expression; his demeanor. Does it look like he's about to strangle someone? Or is he posing and having a good time...maybe even struggling to hold back laughter?!

This is one of the single most suspicious artifacts from Andy's final days. It's an obvious contradiction to the story of what went down (according to Zmuda and Zehme), as well as being just plain CREEPY. Andy's looking directly at the camera with a smug smirk on his face and his hand raised to his mouth as if to say, "If Only You Knew."

Andy Kaufman, The Thinker.

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